28 March 2010

a few changes

 Hello lovelies,

I've made a few changes to the blog. Not so much that you'd notice, so I'm going to point a few things out. (And if you're viewing this in a reader, you might want to pop over and look around.)

I reorganized my sidebars. <-----> I think it looks slightly cleaner this way. I'm thinking of consolidating my tags (on the right, under "label*happy" --->) to further streamline things, but I'm not sure yet. Do you guys even use the tags to search posts? Would it be more or less helpful if I just stuck to things like "recipes," "crafts," "kid stuff," etc?

I added some new tabs up top. ^ Check out my new FAQs, Contact page, To-Craft List, and Kitchen Obstacles.

I'm toying with the idea of a complete layout overhaul, but it's a daunting task.

Oh, while I've got you here, I'll let you know that posting may be sporadic this week. H is on spring break, and we've got some fun activities planned. My goal is to enjoy the time we have and not stress about posting every day. I have a feeling some of you may be on spring break as well, so you probably won't miss me much. :)