So, I absolutely adore this kid-sized silverware I found at IKEA. They're supposed to be "dessert" spoons, forks, and knives, but they're the perfect size for kids when they're too big for baby utensils but not quite big enough for adult utensils. Plus, hello, it's IKEA, so they're cheap.
The kid-sized non-sharp knife is key to our fun kid's lunch today. Kids crave control, at least my kids do. They want to be in charge and be like a grown-up. So I decided to give my 2yr old a knife (gasp!)--a safe knife--a blob of fancy bean dip and various items on which to spread said bean dip with said knife. He loved it! He needed some coaching to keep the knife out of his mouth, but that's to be expected. My 5yr old was at school, but I know she would enjoy this fun lunch, too.
A note on today's fancy bean dip, as it is a variation of the original recipe. This one is black beans, chives, lime juice, garlic, olive oil, s&p. The same quantities from the original recipe apply. The black bean and lime combination is amazing. I could nibble on this all day long. No, I would probably shove big spoonfuls of this purpley-gray goodness into my mouth until I made myself sick. It's that good. (I actually won't make myself sick. I'll put the lid on and stick it in the fridge so I can have some more tomorrow. It'll taste even better then.)