13 November 2012
318/366 bedtime snack
8-8:30am Volunteered at school
8:30-10am Walked five miles
10am Thought about today's picture
10:15am Showered
11am Made and ate lunch
12pm Planned to get pumpkin muffins in the oven and then go outside and take some macros of raindrops on the spruce
1pm Realized that those two brown bananas were getting really brown and I might as well bake something* with them while I had all the baking ingredients out
1:30pm Worked on a project for Sweetpea's teacher; planned PTO agenda and sent PTO emails
2:30pm Almost time to pick up the kids! Gathered muffins and a few games and magazines to keep them occupied during my meeting after school
2:45pm Got in the car, looked at the spruce tree, realized I forgot to take a picture
3:15-4:50pm School Improvement Planning meeting (ran late)
5pm Drove home; heated leftover chili for quick dinner
5:15pm Had new idea to take picture of the lit sign at school
5:25pm Grabbed camera and folders and got everyone back in the car to head back to school
5:30-6pm PTO board meeting
6-7pm PTO general meeting
7:20pm Exhaustedly drove home
7:22pm Walked inside and realized I forgot to take a picture of the school sign
7:25pm Took lame picture of kids eating a snack before bed
Tomorrow should be less hectic. Tomorrow's picture will be better.
*The web address for the banana oat squares recipe doesn't seem to be working. I found another copy here. I added chocolate chips this time! So good.