01 February 2010

100th day

Wednesday will be H's 100th day of school. I don't remember this when I was in elementary school, but apparently teachers these days make a big deal of it. I'm sure it has to do with the milestone of counting to 100.

H was sent home with a note Friday requesting that parents help their children do some sort of project with 100 items. Suggestions of pennies, nuts and bolts, and cheerios were given. I thought about having H make a necklace with 100 beads, but then we saw the LEGOs and played around for a while to come up with what you see in the photo above. We used 100 square LEGOs. I must say I'm pretty impressed with our idea...I bet no one else will bring in a "100" made of 100 LEGOs.

We had a great time sorting colors, making patterns, and counting over and over to make sure we had the right numbers. I love when learning is fun. :)

Are you doing a 100th day project with your kids?