14 April 2013

tulip lessons

I liked the way the setting sun was lighting the tulips on the table at dinner. After we finished eating and cleared the table, I took a few shots. The light was fading quickly, and I didn't like how high I had to push my ISO, so I lugged out the tripod. I set my ISO back low (320) and lowered my shutter speed to 1/4 of a second. 

I learned two things:

1) My macro shots are so much sharper when I use the tripod! I really need to use it every time I macro.

2) My tripod is magic. It turned near darkness into daylight. The following photo was taken with a slow shutter speed, thanks to the tripod. Immediately after, I raised my shutter speed and took the last photo to show how dark it actually was. See? Magic tripod.