I told you yesterday that I made four little owlies. This owl pattern of mine (no, not mine, Simplicity's) is just too complicated, so this version of owl is being retired.
But don't worry. I'll be back with more once I complete the redesign.
For today, you can enter to win my very last Simplicity owl! Aren't you excited?? Can you tell that I am?? This is my first ever giveaway and I'm super excited about that! Let me show you what you're entering to win:
(I know her left eye looks a little funny, but it's just the camera angle. See?)
Yes, her name is Adelgard. Yes, I know that's a little strange. But I work very hard to find names that seem appropriate for owls but also mean "protector." Or in this case, "noble protector," which is even more suited to an owl.
So here's what you do to enter:
Leave a comment, with a way for me to reach you, by Saturday, April 10, 11:59pm pacific time.
It's perfectly fine to do "myaddress at gmail dot com" so the trolls don't getcha. Sunday, I will choose a winner using the Random Number Generator. If I can't find a way to reach the winner, I will choose a new winner. I will then contact the winner via email and post his or her name on the blog Monday.
Want a second entry?
- Become a "Google follower" (look up on the left sidebar) and leave me an additional comment telling me so.
- Become a "fan" of make*happy's Facebook page and leave me an additional comment telling me so.
Two entries maximum per person, please.
Good luck!