Alright. I'm seriously done making these owls. I thought that making a batch of four at one time, assembly-line style, would be faster and/or easier. Nope. All those tiny pieces to cut out...all that stitching. I don't want to give up the whole idea just yet, because I love that they're nocturnal, sleepy time protectors, but they need a serious redesign before I take on any more.
So, to answer the question from yesterday's post, the first owl went to my new baby nephew. This guy here:
And this one went to J. Love that dandelion fabric.
And this one went to one of H's friends:
I tell ya, it was hard to separate these guys. They look really cute together.
And these two? I'm not sure what was going on there, but sending them off to their new owners was not pleasant. You wouldn't think that stuffed owls would make such a fuss.
But I'm sure they perked up in their new, happy homes. :)
Hmm? What's that you say? I made four owls and only told you where three of them went?
Oh, goodness, you're right! She's right here next to me. She's awfully lonely. Do you know where I could find a good home for her?
Check back tomorrow for more details...