12 January 2011

list: 12 on 12

2. Snow day. Hooray for lazy mornings.
3. Chicken stew with biscuits in the works.
4. Easier commenting. I removed the word verification from comments mid-September (so last year), and haven't had any trolling spam. None. Love it.
5. PW Photo contests. I always think I have a chance until I look at the other entries. This round is food and it is so fun looking at all the yummy food photos.
6. Watching birds at the bird feeder while I work.
 8. New trick: Flannel fitted sheet; cool cotton top sheet. No cold shock when you get into bed; no overheating around 3am.
10. Wagon rides around the house for a preschooler with a bum foot.
11. Big sister having a blast giving little brother wagon rides.
12. Leftover cookies with my coffee.

(12 on 12 inspiration)