Hubs and I tackled a high-priority home improvement project this past weekend.
We sorted our giant tub of LEGOs,
by type and size.
This sort of thing wouldn't usually qualify as home improvement, but believe me, it has definitely improved our home. Before, when the LEGOs lived in the giant bottomless tub, finding the tiny 1x2 smooth tile that Little Mister needed for his rescue helicopter was an agonizing chore that took three to ten minutes. And now? He can open up the “smooth tile drawer” and find exactly what he needs in five seconds. Aaah. (Sorting drawer units purchased from Lowe's hardware section for $20 each.)
Don't get me wrong—it was a pain in the tush to sort all those tiny pieces. Literally! And it took hours. But they were hours well spent, my friends. It also took hours combing through the Pick-A-Brick department, finding and stealing images for my drawer labels. But just look how beautiful they are:
I was writing this post and thinking to myself, Huh. LEGO is a funny name. I wonder where it came from? Wikipedia to the rescue. Lego is from the Danish phrase leg godt, which means play well.
Go forth and play well, my children, with your obsessively organized LEGOs.