28 March 2013


Hubs and I spent four years at the beginning of our marriage in El Paso, Texas. Living my entire life in the green, wet northwest, El Paso was far from my comfort zone. But it was a good character-building, strong marriage-building time, and I have many fond memories of El Paso.

One of those fond memories is buñuelos. I received some homemade buñuelos from a client's mother one Christmas, and immediately fell in love. Light and crispy, cinnamon sugar in every bite. . . what's not to love?

I recently found a recipe for buñuelos on Muy Bueno, and decided to give it a whirl. They took some time and were a little messy, but not nearly as messy or labor-intensive as doughnuts. They soaked up a lot less oil, too.

I broke out a brand new stainless steel saucepan for the frying. It was hard to put anything into that perfect shiny steel.

I had to test the first few to make sure I was frying them long enough. It was rough, but I've accepted that these sacrifices are necessary for quality control.

The verdict? We loved them! Crispy, cinnamony sweet, perfect with vanilla ice cream and strawberries. Yum. A great finishing touch to a Mexican fiesta.