15 April 2010

healthy peanut butter muffins

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My goal: Use up the 5lb bag of whole wheat pastry flour I bought.

I bought it because I thought pastry flour would be more tender and thus less heavy than traditional whole wheat flour. I wanted to make a whole wheat pizza crust that wasn't so...wheaty. I soon came to realize that the gluten structure for ww pastry flour is completely different, and not stretchy at all, making for a brittle, cracker-like pizza crust. 

This baking journey began on one of my new finds: Baking Bites. This site has an amazing quantity of recipes! I was looking for a muffin recipe, because ww pastry flour is supposed to be good for things like muffins. I found 50! I knew I was in the right place.

I finally narrowed it down to a peanut butter and chocolate chip muffin recipe. I made it and the muffins were...OK. Not great. Not very flavorful, and a little dry. I knew I could improve them.

I grabbed some applesauce and some flax meal and had another go. This time, the muffins still had a distinctly healthy taste, but they were more flavorful and very moist. Multigrain, protein, and chocolate? What more could you want in a muffin?

And check back in the next few weeks to see what else I do with my whole wheat pastry flour!